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Eighteenth-century-style Rum Punch

Similar to Philadelphia Fish House Punch.

As described by Sam Meyer:

Do the oleo-saccharum with the three lemons and dissolve it in the lemon juice. Add a bottle of – well, any spirit, really, but an aged rum with some funkiness is nice – and a bottle’s worth of water, or seltzer, or even a mix of water and strong green or black tea (consider using decaf if you don’t want wired drunks), or bubbly wine if you fancy, add a big ice block (I freeze water in soup containers or Bundt pans), grate a bunch of nutmeg over the top, and stand back.



  1. Prepare an oleo-saccharum and mix it with the lemon juice.
  2. In the serving container, mix the lemon base and rum
  3. Add the other liquid
  4. Add ice and grate fresh nutmeg over the top