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Win Son’s Roasted Peanuts



  1. Toast the green cardamom, coriander, Szechuan peppercorn, and white pepper and blend them all up in spice grinder.
  2. Add garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and Chinese five spice.
  3. Deep fry the peanuts for five minutes in four quarts of oil or bake them at 375° for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Transfer the peanuts to a metal bowl and add salt, MSG, and the spice mixture. You’ll notice the bowl is hot, so they actually kind of continue to fry in there.
  5. Cool spiced peanuts on sheet trays.
  6. When ready to serve, reheat in a hot cast iron pan. Add the peanuts dry.
  7. In the pan, add one bunch of chopped scallions and half a bunch of chopped cilantro. As fond develops, deglaze the pan with a mixture of one part dashi and one part sesame oil.
  8. Serve with a lime cheek.
